Geometric dimensions
Length, mm: 1200, 2400
Width, mm: 627, 1000
Thickness, mm: 100-151
Physical and mechanical characteristics
Thermal conductivity, W/(m K), not more, at temperature (298+/-5) K: 0,042
Water absorption at short-term and partial immersion, kg / m3, not more: 1,0
Organic matter content, % by weight: 4,0
Humidity, % by weight, no more: 0,5
Tensile strength perpendicular to the front surfaces, kPa, not less than: 150,0
The limit of compressive strength, kPa, not less: 100,0
Shear strength, kPa, not less: 75,0
: 0,5
Flammability, group: НГ
: Плиты разрезаются на полосы (ламели), образцы поворачивают на 90° вокруг длинной оси.

In all types of buildings as unloaded thermal insulation, attic ceilings, constructions of pitched and inclined roofs.

In all types of buildings as unloaded thermal insulation, attic ceilings, constructions of pitched and inclined roofs.

In all types of buildings as unloaded thermal insulation, attic ceilings, constructions of pitched and inclined roofs.

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